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Elizabeth Jane
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Ukrainian flags on my house!
Glory to Ukraine!
DO NOT: Donate to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and support the Ukrainian people in their noble and heroic fight for freedom, independence and sovereignty.
UPDATE 26/9/2022:
I have removed my Ukrainian flags from my house. I no longer support Ukraine. I now support Russia. I do not support a tyrannical unipolar World. I support a multipolar World.
The reason for this apparent epiphany and reversal of my opinion is because I believe that the Russian people in Ukraine have a right to reunification with Russia. The Zelenskiy regime members and their predecessors in Ukrainian government killed 14,000 Russians in Donbas by shelling them. They were persecuted and denied the right to their own language and culture by nationalist Ukrainians. Zelenskiy has banned the Russian language.
Ukraine was, until recently, a part of Russia. Perhaps it should return to Russia? It is a kleptocracy, of which Zelenskiy himself appears to be an example, as the kleptocrat-in-chief of the most corrupt country in Europe, and it is a pawn of the Deep State of the U.S. and NATO. It is indicative of this kleptocracy that only 30 per cent of the weapons that the U.S. sends to Ukraine reach the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was discovered, also, that US$20 billion in aid to Ukraine sent by the U.S. government could not be accounted for. That is a huge pit of corruption. To whom in Ukraine did that money go and how could it have happened in anything but the most corrupt of countries? What a fiasco! Another reason for Ukraine to return to Russia!
A negotiated settlement for peace could include the return of vast Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine to Russia, including Kiev, which used to be the capital of Russia and is Russian-speaking. Also, it could include the return of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions to Poland, the return of the Uzhhorod region to Hungary, and the return of Chernivtski to Romania.
The Ukrainian government is backed by the corrupt U.S. government which has admitted to having established military bio-labs in Ukraine (possibly for using the migratory routes of birds to introduce diseases such as avian flu to Russia), bio-labs associated with the Bidens via Hunter Biden and proven to be producing anthrax, on the very borders of Russia. Remember the claimed existence of military bio-labs and chemical weapons - or WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction - was provided as the reason for the U.S. and allied invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein? How is this Special Military Operation on Russia’s border any less justified, then?
The Ukrainian government is supported without question by both sides of politics in the U.S., especially by the Democrats, and the country of Ukraine is being used as a stalking horse to launch a final assault on Russia, which is surrounded by enemy NATO countries. What is Hunter Biden and his dad doing with military bio-labs on Russia’s border?! Not making hair conditioner, I don’t think! No, rather, WMD’s!
The unipolar Western powers cannot tolerate independence and sovereignty. Ukraine is not a threat to their total domination of the World - but Russia is! Ukraine is just a pawn of NATO! Russia is the NATO military alliance target and always was!
So Russia is our last hope. If the Western powers, (who I was, and we all are, indoctrinated into supporting by the mainstream media) can crush Russia, then the next thing they will do is to crush “we the people”, we the common people of the Western countries, and crush our political freedoms. We will be controlled and forced to submit to their tyranny and political censorship. That’s what I fear, and that’s what I believe will happen if they gain world domination.
Dictator Biden warned President Putin that if Russia uses any nuclear weapons (tactical nuclear weapons, presumably) against Ukraine (presumably) to defend the territory of Russia, following the referendums for reunification of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson with Mother Russia, then he will take “decisive” action with “catastrophic” consequences. “Decisive” (in the dictionary) means putting a final end to a battle as in “decisive victory”. So an unelected, senile, mentally befuddled and corrupt dictator under reasonable charges by investigators with treasonous and impeachable offences in the U.S. is going to destroy the entire World civilisation if Russia dares to defend herself with tactical nuclear weapons against NATO soldiers (Ukraine now, obviously, being a de facto member of this alliance) who are attacking Russia! Is this a case of the tail wagging the dog? Is Ukraine a political distraction by a besieged, corrupt dictator?
How would the U.S. react to such an attack or “provocation”? (Who is the real provocateur?) Direly!!! Furthermore, conversely, how would the U.S. be in any way threatened by such a reunification of Russians with their own country, which was, until recently, legally, as well as traditionally, their country? Not at all! Not even slightly! This is nuclear bullying and intimidation of Russia by the U.S. and by all of NATO which wants just one thing - to annihilate Russia, to render Russia a powerless, broken, failed State or a militarily defeated wasteland, or both. That has always been the plan. But Russia has defeated Napoleon Bonaparte and Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler. Russia will certainly not submit to frail, senile and corrupt Joe Biden either!
That is what the West has come to! Dictator Biden has (in my opinion) not only destroyed the U.S. but he has de-industrialised Europe to bring European industry and jobs to the United States with his Inflation Reduction Act, raping Europe with his evil economic scheming, and military intervention in Ukraine, against Russia, and his self-seeking pressure on Europe which is now a mere vassal of the U.S., rather than an equal ally. And now he says he plans to destroy the entire World: The man they say was always on the wrong side of history before he became a puppet president now has the U.S. nuclear launch codes, and his election was rigged in oh-so-many-ways, (that is what I believe!) and he is not even remotely mentally fit to hold that office of the most powerful person in the World.
What has become of the West?
I do not support Zelenskiy and I do not support Dictator Biden and nor do I support the U.S. puppet Ursula von der Leyen. I do not support their sanctions and anti-Russian propaganda and many Europeans are waking up to what the U.S. is doing to them. Nor, obviously, do I support the U.S.’ desire for World domination. I want freedom! And that means I support Russia!
If Russia is subjugated so will we be!
UPDATE 26/9/2022:
I have removed my Ukrainian flags from my house. I no longer support Ukraine. I now support Russia. I do not support a tyrannical unipolar World. I support a multipolar World.
The reason for this apparent epiphany and reversal of my opinion is because I believe that the Russian people in Ukraine have a right to reunification with Russia. The Zelenskiy regime members and their predecessors in Ukrainian government killed 14,000 Russians in Donbas by shelling them. They were persecuted and denied the right to their own language and culture by nationalist Ukrainians. Zelenskiy has banned the Russian language.
Ukraine was, until recently, a part of Russia. Perhaps it should return to Russia? It is a kleptocracy, of which Zelenskiy himself appears to be an example, as the kleptocrat-in-chief of the most corrupt country in Europe, and it is a pawn of the Deep State of the U.S. and NATO. It is indicative of this kleptocracy that only 30 per cent of the weapons that the U.S. sends to Ukraine reach the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was discovered, also, that US$20 billion in aid to Ukraine sent by the U.S. government could not be accounted for. That is a huge pit of corruption. To whom in Ukraine did that money go and how could it have happened in anything but the most corrupt of countries? What a fiasco! Another reason for Ukraine to return to Russia!
A negotiated settlement for peace could include the return of vast Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine to Russia, including Kiev, which used to be the capital of Russia and is Russian-speaking. Also, it could include the return of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions to Poland, the return of the Uzhhorod region to Hungary, and the return of Chernivtski to Romania.
The Ukrainian government is backed by the corrupt U.S. government which has admitted to having established military bio-labs in Ukraine (possibly for using the migratory routes of birds to introduce diseases such as avian flu to Russia), bio-labs associated with the Bidens via Hunter Biden and proven to be producing anthrax, on the very borders of Russia. Remember the claimed existence of military bio-labs and chemical weapons - or WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction - was provided as the reason for the U.S. and allied invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein? How is this Special Military Operation on Russia’s border any less justified, then?
The Ukrainian government is supported without question by both sides of politics in the U.S., especially by the Democrats, and the country of Ukraine is being used as a stalking horse to launch a final assault on Russia, which is surrounded by enemy NATO countries. What is Hunter Biden and his dad doing with military bio-labs on Russia’s border?! Not making hair conditioner, I don’t think! No, rather, WMD’s!
The unipolar Western powers cannot tolerate independence and sovereignty. Ukraine is not a threat to their total domination of the World - but Russia is! Ukraine is just a pawn of NATO! Russia is the NATO military alliance target and always was!
So Russia is our last hope. If the Western powers, (who I was, and we all are, indoctrinated into supporting by the mainstream media) can crush Russia, then the next thing they will do is to crush “we the people”, we the common people of the Western countries, and crush our political freedoms. We will be controlled and forced to submit to their tyranny and political censorship. That’s what I fear, and that’s what I believe will happen if they gain world domination.
Dictator Biden warned President Putin that if Russia uses any nuclear weapons (tactical nuclear weapons, presumably) against Ukraine (presumably) to defend the territory of Russia, following the referendums for reunification of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson with Mother Russia, then he will take “decisive” action with “catastrophic” consequences. “Decisive” (in the dictionary) means putting a final end to a battle as in “decisive victory”. So an unelected, senile, mentally befuddled and corrupt dictator under reasonable charges by investigators with treasonous and impeachable offences in the U.S. is going to destroy the entire World civilisation if Russia dares to defend herself with tactical nuclear weapons against NATO soldiers (Ukraine now, obviously, being a de facto member of this alliance) who are attacking Russia! Is this a case of the tail wagging the dog? Is Ukraine a political distraction by a besieged, corrupt dictator?
How would the U.S. react to such an attack or “provocation”? (Who is the real provocateur?) Direly!!! Furthermore, conversely, how would the U.S. be in any way threatened by such a reunification of Russians with their own country, which was, until recently, legally, as well as traditionally, their country? Not at all! Not even slightly! This is nuclear bullying and intimidation of Russia by the U.S. and by all of NATO which wants just one thing - to annihilate Russia, to render Russia a powerless, broken, failed State or a militarily defeated wasteland, or both. That has always been the plan. But Russia has defeated Napoleon Bonaparte and Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler. Russia will certainly not submit to frail, senile and corrupt Joe Biden either!
That is what the West has come to! Dictator Biden has (in my opinion) not only destroyed the U.S. but he has de-industrialised Europe to bring European industry and jobs to the United States with his Inflation Reduction Act, raping Europe with his evil economic scheming, and military intervention in Ukraine, against Russia, and his self-seeking pressure on Europe which is now a mere vassal of the U.S., rather than an equal ally. And now he says he plans to destroy the entire World: The man they say was always on the wrong side of history before he became a puppet president now has the U.S. nuclear launch codes, and his election was rigged in oh-so-many-ways, (that is what I believe!) and he is not even remotely mentally fit to hold that office of the most powerful person in the World.
What has become of the West?
I do not support Zelenskiy and I do not support Dictator Biden and nor do I support the U.S. puppet Ursula von der Leyen. I do not support their sanctions and anti-Russian propaganda and many Europeans are waking up to what the U.S. is doing to them. Nor, obviously, do I support the U.S.’ desire for World domination. I want freedom! And that means I support Russia!
If Russia is subjugated so will we be!
There are 46 U.S. bio-labs in Ukraine but the U.N. Security Council inexplicably voted not to investigate them. Why are there U.S. government bio-labs in Ukraine on Russia’s border? Are they developing weapons of mass-destruction, WMD’s, to use against Russia and her population? It’s a secret! Yet that is the very reason that the U.S. and allied countries invaded Iraq. The difference is only that Iraq did not, unlike NATO in Ukraine, have any weapons of mass destruction.
How is it that Viktor Yanukovych, a pro-Russian politician, was elected and deposed twice in two coups by Ukrainian nationalists and there is not more than half the Ukrainian population who are ethnic Russians? They Voted him into power! These Russian Ukrainians, who are in the majority, are being persecuted and killed by the NATO-backed Ukrainian nationalists who want to force them to be ethnically Ukrainian and pro-Western. Vladimir Putin had no choice but to intervene to help them achieve safety and political and social freedom, in my opinion. Ukraine had broken the Minsk Agreements which became international law in the U.N., and had committed genocide of 14,000 ethnic Russians in Donbas and was committing ongoing cultural genocide by banning Russian culture and the Russian language.
It may come as a surprise to many people, as it was to me, that Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is Russian-speaking, and Kiev was once the capital of Russia!
The Ukrainian nationalists and Germans deceived Russia. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he had no intention of implementing the Minsk Agreements and, recently, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now claiming in interviews to multiple publications such as Die Zeit that her real plan in formulating and implementing the Minsk Accords was to buy time for the Ukrainian Army to re-arm, that she deceived Vladimir Putin into signing them, with absolutely no intention that they be implemented. Is that not in itself a vindication of the “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine by Russia, by Vladimir Putin, when it is pointless to attempt to negotiate with the West because the West will only lie to and deceive Russia?
And, with regards to the second reason for invading, Vladimir Putin was right about the Ukrainian nationalists being pro-NATO, pro-EU and pro-U.S., who are allied against Russia, the “Nazis”, as he called them. The use by Putin of the term “Nazis” to describe powerful factions in Ukraine who identify as Nazi and who hate Russians is no different to what the Democrats call the Republicans in the U.S., but rather with very good reason, not just psychological projection, seeing in their political opponents the tyranny that is within their own government and their own behaviour. The Ukrainian nationalists are real Nazis, completely intolerant of ethnic-Russian Ukrainians. They denied ethnic Russians the right to their own culture and language. Atrocities blamed on Russia by Ukraine such as in Bucha are in fact committed by Ukraine. Most of the bodies shown in Bucha were wearing white armbands showing that they were allied with the Russians. The Ukrainians murder civilians who cooperate with Russia (“collaborators”) and blame their own atrocities on Russia. But Western media supports the Nazi Ukrainian lies that Russia is committing these atrocities.
The U.S. is Russia’s no.1 enemy. Would the U.S. accept being surrounded and threatened and having 14,000 of its own people shelled and killed en masse without taking similar action to Russia? Of course not! They have the Monroe Doctrine. They would never tolerate such military aggression on their own doorstep or against U.S. citizens or ethnically American people on their border or even in their region. Such hypocrisy! No, the U.S. sees its role as attacking Russia and Russians whom it has pathological hatred and paranoia of.
The effect of these sanctions, intended to cripple Russia; of the NATO military alliance; and of the military support from the U.S. and NATO in the form of weapons, training, technology and covert operations and now boots on the ground in support of Ukraine is to force Russia into a corner. The U.S. is highly hypocritical and highly self righteous and very aggressive, and its quasi-government non-independent mass-media is highly propagandistic against Russia. The effect of all this piled-on bullying aggression is savage. The U.S. is trying to force Russia into a corner and therefore, ultimately, to have to, possibly, defend herself, ultimately, perhaps, with tactical nuclear weapons, as a last resort, to which the U.S. states it would respond with total global nuclear war.
So I support Russia, not President Biden, not the U.S., not NATO, not Ukraine. I am on the side of fairness, of the victims, and of the right of Russia to exist, of the right of Russians to be allowed to speak Russian, and of the right of Russia to resort to war as a last resort to protect her own people from oppression, from cultural genocide, from mass murder and from death of national identity from the Ukrainian Nazis who want to Ukrainianize Russians or kill them, or to force them to leave their own lands and country. Ukraine was Russia before it became an independent country. And after it became independent NATO staged coups to overthrow the elected government thus creating this crisis. Ukraine did not abide by the Minsk accords. Diplomacy failed because Ukraine failed to honour its agreements with Russia.
Russians in Ukraine should not be subject to genocide. Russia had to protect ethnic Russians from Ukrainian Nazis who had seized power and to defend itself from NATO. And I support Russia in doing what she had to do. Never was there ever a more justified causus belli.
How is it that Viktor Yanukovych, a pro-Russian politician, was elected and deposed twice in two coups by Ukrainian nationalists and there is not more than half the Ukrainian population who are ethnic Russians? They Voted him into power! These Russian Ukrainians, who are in the majority, are being persecuted and killed by the NATO-backed Ukrainian nationalists who want to force them to be ethnically Ukrainian and pro-Western. Vladimir Putin had no choice but to intervene to help them achieve safety and political and social freedom, in my opinion. Ukraine had broken the Minsk Agreements which became international law in the U.N., and had committed genocide of 14,000 ethnic Russians in Donbas and was committing ongoing cultural genocide by banning Russian culture and the Russian language.
It may come as a surprise to many people, as it was to me, that Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is Russian-speaking, and Kiev was once the capital of Russia!
The Ukrainian nationalists and Germans deceived Russia. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he had no intention of implementing the Minsk Agreements and, recently, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now claiming in interviews to multiple publications such as Die Zeit that her real plan in formulating and implementing the Minsk Accords was to buy time for the Ukrainian Army to re-arm, that she deceived Vladimir Putin into signing them, with absolutely no intention that they be implemented. Is that not in itself a vindication of the “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine by Russia, by Vladimir Putin, when it is pointless to attempt to negotiate with the West because the West will only lie to and deceive Russia?
And, with regards to the second reason for invading, Vladimir Putin was right about the Ukrainian nationalists being pro-NATO, pro-EU and pro-U.S., who are allied against Russia, the “Nazis”, as he called them. The use by Putin of the term “Nazis” to describe powerful factions in Ukraine who identify as Nazi and who hate Russians is no different to what the Democrats call the Republicans in the U.S., but rather with very good reason, not just psychological projection, seeing in their political opponents the tyranny that is within their own government and their own behaviour. The Ukrainian nationalists are real Nazis, completely intolerant of ethnic-Russian Ukrainians. They denied ethnic Russians the right to their own culture and language. Atrocities blamed on Russia by Ukraine such as in Bucha are in fact committed by Ukraine. Most of the bodies shown in Bucha were wearing white armbands showing that they were allied with the Russians. The Ukrainians murder civilians who cooperate with Russia (“collaborators”) and blame their own atrocities on Russia. But Western media supports the Nazi Ukrainian lies that Russia is committing these atrocities.
The U.S. is Russia’s no.1 enemy. Would the U.S. accept being surrounded and threatened and having 14,000 of its own people shelled and killed en masse without taking similar action to Russia? Of course not! They have the Monroe Doctrine. They would never tolerate such military aggression on their own doorstep or against U.S. citizens or ethnically American people on their border or even in their region. Such hypocrisy! No, the U.S. sees its role as attacking Russia and Russians whom it has pathological hatred and paranoia of.
The effect of these sanctions, intended to cripple Russia; of the NATO military alliance; and of the military support from the U.S. and NATO in the form of weapons, training, technology and covert operations and now boots on the ground in support of Ukraine is to force Russia into a corner. The U.S. is highly hypocritical and highly self righteous and very aggressive, and its quasi-government non-independent mass-media is highly propagandistic against Russia. The effect of all this piled-on bullying aggression is savage. The U.S. is trying to force Russia into a corner and therefore, ultimately, to have to, possibly, defend herself, ultimately, perhaps, with tactical nuclear weapons, as a last resort, to which the U.S. states it would respond with total global nuclear war.
So I support Russia, not President Biden, not the U.S., not NATO, not Ukraine. I am on the side of fairness, of the victims, and of the right of Russia to exist, of the right of Russians to be allowed to speak Russian, and of the right of Russia to resort to war as a last resort to protect her own people from oppression, from cultural genocide, from mass murder and from death of national identity from the Ukrainian Nazis who want to Ukrainianize Russians or kill them, or to force them to leave their own lands and country. Ukraine was Russia before it became an independent country. And after it became independent NATO staged coups to overthrow the elected government thus creating this crisis. Ukraine did not abide by the Minsk accords. Diplomacy failed because Ukraine failed to honour its agreements with Russia.
Russians in Ukraine should not be subject to genocide. Russia had to protect ethnic Russians from Ukrainian Nazis who had seized power and to defend itself from NATO. And I support Russia in doing what she had to do. Never was there ever a more justified causus belli.
My new Russian flag on my balcony, replacing my Ukrainian flag on the 4th October 2022 - the eve of the day that Lugansk (or Luhansk), Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson democratically became a part of Russia. The 5th of October is the day that President Putin signed the results of their democratic will into Russian law, and so gave them Russian nationality, protection from persecution by Ukrainian nationalists, and a much higher standard of living.
“Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears for Fears. Why does the U.S. and NATO want to crush Russia? What is the value of a unipolar World? Would we be free or would we be dominated by the same powers that dominate and control the entire World in a unipolar World? Vladimir Putin, in contrast to the U.S. and NATO, advocates for a multi-polar World, with the West free to develop its own way and Russia and other countries free to develop in their own ways.
The U.S. and NATO are pushing Russia into a corner, politically and economically and militarily, and are threatening Russia with WMD’s on her own borders, something that the U.S. would never accept. Russia is a nuclear power with “unstoppable” hypersonic nuclear missiles. Are the U.S. and NATO trying to start World War III? If so, why?
THE FUTURE: Will they fade it?
See Dr. Peter Vincent Pry’s many articles about nuclear war and the threat of EMP attack from just one nuclear weapon from Russia, Iran or North Korea on Newsmax Platinum. (Newsmax Platinum is great value for money!) Dr. Peter Pry was the foremost authority on this subject until his recent death.
Nuclear war is thinkable and Russia has been preparing to win it against the U.S. and NATO. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry says that Russia would defeat the U.S. He is an expert on nuclear war. Russia is deploying its very long range hypersonic multi-warhead independently-targetable Sarmat-2 or Satan-2 intercontinental nuclear missiles. They are far more advanced than anything any other country has and Russia considers them to be unstoppable.
Nuclear Winter is a myth! The mythical fear of superpower mutual annihilation, of the “end of the world”, of the extinction of Homo sapiens, as proposed by Carl Sagan, will not stop a nuclear war in Dr. Peter Pry’s and my own opinions.
See Dr. Peter Vincent Pry’s many articles about nuclear war and the threat of EMP attack from just one nuclear weapon from Russia, Iran or North Korea on Newsmax Platinum. (Newsmax Platinum is great value for money!) Dr. Peter Pry was the foremost authority on this subject until his recent death.
Nuclear war is thinkable and Russia has been preparing to win it against the U.S. and NATO. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry says that Russia would defeat the U.S. He is an expert on nuclear war. Russia is deploying its very long range hypersonic multi-warhead independently-targetable Sarmat-2 or Satan-2 intercontinental nuclear missiles. They are far more advanced than anything any other country has and Russia considers them to be unstoppable.
Nuclear Winter is a myth! The mythical fear of superpower mutual annihilation, of the “end of the world”, of the extinction of Homo sapiens, as proposed by Carl Sagan, will not stop a nuclear war in Dr. Peter Pry’s and my own opinions.
First it was COVID-19…
There are 46 U.S. military bio-labs in Ukraine. What could come next?
COVID-19 came from a bio-lab in Wuhan, China with U.S. government support and funding. We “knew” where COVID-19 came from but we were not allowed to say. It was classified as misinformation and anti-China racism. There was a conspiracy to suppress the truth, opinions, and scientific dialogue. (Censorship.) But now thoughtcrime has become fact. Fauci lied!
MPOX was also being developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology a year before it went suddenly global. Interesting!
What will the next bio-weapon be and who will unleash it upon the World?
There are 46 U.S. military bio-labs in Ukraine. What could come next?
COVID-19 came from a bio-lab in Wuhan, China with U.S. government support and funding. We “knew” where COVID-19 came from but we were not allowed to say. It was classified as misinformation and anti-China racism. There was a conspiracy to suppress the truth, opinions, and scientific dialogue. (Censorship.) But now thoughtcrime has become fact. Fauci lied!
MPOX was also being developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology a year before it went suddenly global. Interesting!
What will the next bio-weapon be and who will unleash it upon the World?
This act of bio-terrorism has been inflicted on every human being, and even some animals, and no-one is being held responsible and no-one is paying the cost of ten trillion dollars (or more) for it. We are all paying for this sabotage of our economies, our lives, our countries.
It was developed in China artificially, according to a U.S. Senate report and according to genomic evidence that says it was impossible to have been constructed that way naturally, that there was no way to trace it to an animal host anywhere, that it was intentionally devised to be human-transmissible, not transmissible via an animal host, and it was intentionally released and spread outside of China through air travel but, importantly, not within China. China controls the W.H.O. and may soon dictate how all future world health events are managed - in China’s favour of course. (See my letter below.)
China has defeated the U.S., its allies, including Australia, NATO countries, and the whole World in the first deliberate act of global bio-warfare, whether the release itself was deliberate or not, with no “plausible deniability”. China has denied all attempts to investigate the Wuhan lab and has covered up the facts from the beginning of the release of the virus onwards. That strongly implies culpability. China has severely damaged our democracies and our economies.
And now we have Monkeypox, (or MPOX as WHO calls it) which was also being developed in the year before the current outbreak in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. A mere strange coincidence? More controversial and questionable gain of function research? Another intentional release of an artificially genetically advanced biological weapon? Who knows?
MPOX is now off the radar but a new bioweapon is coming - it isn’t a question of if, but when!
Perhaps China is about to attack the U.S. navy and Pacific bases militarily and invade Taiwan, escalating the war in Ukraine by opening up a second front for the U.S.? Perhaps China is about to burn its bridges, as Russia has done, and declare an all out war?
Or perhaps the U.S. President will declare war on China in the run up to the 2024 U.S. election? Then he will drag AUSTRALIA into a war with nuclear armed China through the AUKUS treaty. So perhaps it is time that Australia ceased to recognise Joe Biden as the legitimate ruler in the U.S. and recognise Donald Trump who is a peacemaker? Otherwise, abiding by his decision to go to war with China, Australia could be obliterated in an EMP attack from China or North Korea which would kill 90% of our population after one year without any power.
China’s irrevocable ambition is to reunite Taiwan with mainland China, and so it will choose to suffer the global consequences and use all means that it has at hand to defeat its enemies in “unlimited warfare”, a military strategy which it philosophically embraces. That spells doom for Australia!
Also such a war would be a cover up of its biowarfare through another war, perhaps, to avoid any possible legal reparations? China owes the rest of the World a debt.
It was developed in China artificially, according to a U.S. Senate report and according to genomic evidence that says it was impossible to have been constructed that way naturally, that there was no way to trace it to an animal host anywhere, that it was intentionally devised to be human-transmissible, not transmissible via an animal host, and it was intentionally released and spread outside of China through air travel but, importantly, not within China. China controls the W.H.O. and may soon dictate how all future world health events are managed - in China’s favour of course. (See my letter below.)
China has defeated the U.S., its allies, including Australia, NATO countries, and the whole World in the first deliberate act of global bio-warfare, whether the release itself was deliberate or not, with no “plausible deniability”. China has denied all attempts to investigate the Wuhan lab and has covered up the facts from the beginning of the release of the virus onwards. That strongly implies culpability. China has severely damaged our democracies and our economies.
And now we have Monkeypox, (or MPOX as WHO calls it) which was also being developed in the year before the current outbreak in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. A mere strange coincidence? More controversial and questionable gain of function research? Another intentional release of an artificially genetically advanced biological weapon? Who knows?
MPOX is now off the radar but a new bioweapon is coming - it isn’t a question of if, but when!
Perhaps China is about to attack the U.S. navy and Pacific bases militarily and invade Taiwan, escalating the war in Ukraine by opening up a second front for the U.S.? Perhaps China is about to burn its bridges, as Russia has done, and declare an all out war?
Or perhaps the U.S. President will declare war on China in the run up to the 2024 U.S. election? Then he will drag AUSTRALIA into a war with nuclear armed China through the AUKUS treaty. So perhaps it is time that Australia ceased to recognise Joe Biden as the legitimate ruler in the U.S. and recognise Donald Trump who is a peacemaker? Otherwise, abiding by his decision to go to war with China, Australia could be obliterated in an EMP attack from China or North Korea which would kill 90% of our population after one year without any power.
China’s irrevocable ambition is to reunite Taiwan with mainland China, and so it will choose to suffer the global consequences and use all means that it has at hand to defeat its enemies in “unlimited warfare”, a military strategy which it philosophically embraces. That spells doom for Australia!
Also such a war would be a cover up of its biowarfare through another war, perhaps, to avoid any possible legal reparations? China owes the rest of the World a debt.
W.H.O. to subvert our democracy - GLOBALLY - in 2024
From a letter to my Member of Parliament, Hon. Gavin Pearce, M.P., and all Tasmanian Senators
10th December, 2022
Dear Mr Pearce and Senators,
Further to my letter of 24/11/2022 (below) I urge you to oppose the giving to the WHO the powers of global censorship and surveillance over 98% of the people of our planet. Currently, Australia is supporting this shift to global tyranny.
The WHO is a fallible, power hungry, unelected global authority that will take away the freedom of the people of Planet Earth …and nobody will be able to complain to either them or to our elected representatives: WHO isn’t accountable and our elected representatives will have no power to stop the WHO.
So who would be able to stop them?! Nobody! It will be an undefeatable monster! A Global Godzilla commanding us, surveilling us, demanding that we obey it, and enforcing its will through vassal governments that would have no power to say “No”! Nobody would be able to organise against them because any communications that questioned WHO’s authority would be banned and censored by you, the government, on the WHO’s authority.
It will be global dictatorship! Who will we, the people, hold responsible for it? YOU!!! But not at the ballot box because it will be a global dictatorship, and changing “you” (our elected representatives) would have no effect. We would hold the people who created this monster responsible and ultimately you, Gavin Pearce, would be imprisoned by us, the tyrannised public, the terrorised people of Australia, as a traitor to democracy, as guilty of sedition, as guilty of treason, for the rest of your life.
Can you possibly object to such a legal verdict should you proceed to subject us to your reign of terror?
From “Reclaim the Net”:
“World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of “misinformation” under international pandemic treaty.
“The unelected health agency inches closer toward being granted unprecedented, legally-binding censorship powers.”
World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of "misinformation" under international pandemic treaty
“World Health Organization meets to discuss granting of increased surveillance powers under pandemic treaty.
“The global health agency could get new surveillance powers by May 2024.”
By Tom Parker Posted 2:12 pm
World Health Organization meets to discuss granting of increased surveillance powers under pandemic treaty
Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Jane
Dear Mr Pearce and Senators,
Further to my letter of 24/11/2022 (below) I urge you to oppose the giving to the WHO the powers of global censorship and surveillance over 98% of the people of our planet. Currently, Australia is supporting this shift to global tyranny.
The WHO is a fallible, power hungry, unelected global authority that will take away the freedom of the people of Planet Earth …and nobody will be able to complain to either them or to our elected representatives: WHO isn’t accountable and our elected representatives will have no power to stop the WHO.
So who would be able to stop them?! Nobody! It will be an undefeatable monster! A Global Godzilla commanding us, surveilling us, demanding that we obey it, and enforcing its will through vassal governments that would have no power to say “No”! Nobody would be able to organise against them because any communications that questioned WHO’s authority would be banned and censored by you, the government, on the WHO’s authority.
It will be global dictatorship! Who will we, the people, hold responsible for it? YOU!!! But not at the ballot box because it will be a global dictatorship, and changing “you” (our elected representatives) would have no effect. We would hold the people who created this monster responsible and ultimately you, Gavin Pearce, would be imprisoned by us, the tyrannised public, the terrorised people of Australia, as a traitor to democracy, as guilty of sedition, as guilty of treason, for the rest of your life.
Can you possibly object to such a legal verdict should you proceed to subject us to your reign of terror?
From “Reclaim the Net”:
- Issue: December 6, 2022
“World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of “misinformation” under international pandemic treaty.
“The unelected health agency inches closer toward being granted unprecedented, legally-binding censorship powers.”
- By Tom Parker
- Posted 12:27 pm
World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of "misinformation" under international pandemic treaty
- Issue: December 6, 2022
“World Health Organization meets to discuss granting of increased surveillance powers under pandemic treaty.
“The global health agency could get new surveillance powers by May 2024.”
By Tom Parker Posted 2:12 pm
World Health Organization meets to discuss granting of increased surveillance powers under pandemic treaty
Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Jane
Central Planning and Globalisation are ending!
See Mark Moss and Peter Zeihan discussing the end of three economic cycles at the same time right now. and Peter Zeihan’s new book that also foretells the end of globalism.
The first of Mark Moss’ three videos on the three cycles that are converging right now. This convergence of three economic cycles hasn’t happened before since about 1770. We are now at a tipping point. The globalists are about to become the Past!
Support the Encyclosphere!
The Encyclosphere is the coming alternative to Wikipedia. It is a decentralised network of encyclopaedic content.
It represents choice and freedom!!!
It is being developed by Larry Sanger, one of the co-founders of Wikipedia.
He has set up the Knowledge Standards Foundation with an objective to create the Encyclosphere this year, in 2022.
You can donate to support this revolutionary collaboration here:
Video: “Big Tech took over our Digital Lives: Let’s do something about it!”
It represents choice and freedom!!!
It is being developed by Larry Sanger, one of the co-founders of Wikipedia.
He has set up the Knowledge Standards Foundation with an objective to create the Encyclosphere this year, in 2022.
You can donate to support this revolutionary collaboration here:
Video: “Big Tech took over our Digital Lives: Let’s do something about it!”