Proof That We Are Not Living In A Computer Simulation
This is an e-mail letter that I sent to Mr. Peter Diamandis on Sunday, 15th September, 2024 establishing my claim to have discovered a proof that we are not living in a computer simulation.
Dear Mr. Diamandis,
Further to my letter (below) refuting your claim that we are living in a computer simulation and confirming with two cases, that I experienced in about the past month or so, proving, with documentation, that I am living in a parallel universe, these two cases not only prove that it is parallel universes that we are experiencing but they disprove the possibility that we could be living in a computer simulation too.
If we experience conflicting past histories, also known as The Mandela Effect, then this disproves the claim that we are living in a computer simulation.
You may claim that the experience of divergent histories could represent replays of the same computer game with variations in game play, but this is not possible. When a game is replayed it is rebooted: There is no cross-contamination of one game with another, and if we were NPC’s we would not have memories of different games as we, too, would have been rebooted.
Anyway, I do not believe and have never believed that I am a computer simulated character in a computer program: As far as I am concerned (I don’t know about anyone else) but I, for one, am a real human being.
Here is an experiment I tried yesterday:
I just tried ChatGPT o1-preview, which Matthew Berman, on YouTube, described as A.G.I.
I was extremely unimpressed.
If this is A.G.I. then I am Albert Einstein!
This is what I wrote and the pathetic, unimaginative, rote response I received.
Elizabeth Jane
Queenstown, Tasmania
Further to my letter (below) refuting your claim that we are living in a computer simulation and confirming with two cases, that I experienced in about the past month or so, proving, with documentation, that I am living in a parallel universe, these two cases not only prove that it is parallel universes that we are experiencing but they disprove the possibility that we could be living in a computer simulation too.
If we experience conflicting past histories, also known as The Mandela Effect, then this disproves the claim that we are living in a computer simulation.
You may claim that the experience of divergent histories could represent replays of the same computer game with variations in game play, but this is not possible. When a game is replayed it is rebooted: There is no cross-contamination of one game with another, and if we were NPC’s we would not have memories of different games as we, too, would have been rebooted.
Anyway, I do not believe and have never believed that I am a computer simulated character in a computer program: As far as I am concerned (I don’t know about anyone else) but I, for one, am a real human being.
Here is an experiment I tried yesterday:
I just tried ChatGPT o1-preview, which Matthew Berman, on YouTube, described as A.G.I.
I was extremely unimpressed.
If this is A.G.I. then I am Albert Einstein!
This is what I wrote and the pathetic, unimaginative, rote response I received.
Elizabeth Jane
Queenstown, Tasmania
Here is the full e-mail letter as a PDF file.
Backup copy:
UPDATE: 7th November 2024 - Documentation and further evidence of a parallel universe.
Here is as much proof as I can provide that I am inhabiting a parallel universe to the one I was incarnated into.
I have two documents that prove that our family left port at Southhampton for Australia on the Castel Felice on the 21st of November 1963. The second document shown below was issued for temporary use when I was buying my first home in Queenstown, Tasmania in December-January 2008-2009 when I needed to prove my permanent residence status to qualify for the First Home Owner’s Scheme Boost.
I have obscured my first name as I have changed it from my birth name. But, as you can see, the date of departure of the ship we travelled to Australia on is stated on the document and my age is correct for my being born in September 1956, and the length of passage is correct for this migrant ship for our documented date of arrival in Australia being 25/12/1963 - Christmas Day, 1963.
Doctor Who did not air on television until two days after we departed on the 23rd November, 1963, the day after President Kennedy was assassinated, which historic tragedy is said to have put a dampener upon the premiere of this iconic television serial, in the time when it was dramatic art and not a parody, as it subsequently became after the introduction of “regeneration” as a concept to explain the departure of William Hartnell from the story and his replacement with Patrick Troughton. Patrick Troughton was only the second best Doctor after William Hartnell, and who, even then, entered the serial as a clown. After William Hartnell “Doctor Who” was in decline. Clown after clown followed him! “Doctor Who” was sabotaged by the BBC!
I have two documents that prove that our family left port at Southhampton for Australia on the Castel Felice on the 21st of November 1963. The second document shown below was issued for temporary use when I was buying my first home in Queenstown, Tasmania in December-January 2008-2009 when I needed to prove my permanent residence status to qualify for the First Home Owner’s Scheme Boost.
I have obscured my first name as I have changed it from my birth name. But, as you can see, the date of departure of the ship we travelled to Australia on is stated on the document and my age is correct for my being born in September 1956, and the length of passage is correct for this migrant ship for our documented date of arrival in Australia being 25/12/1963 - Christmas Day, 1963.
Doctor Who did not air on television until two days after we departed on the 23rd November, 1963, the day after President Kennedy was assassinated, which historic tragedy is said to have put a dampener upon the premiere of this iconic television serial, in the time when it was dramatic art and not a parody, as it subsequently became after the introduction of “regeneration” as a concept to explain the departure of William Hartnell from the story and his replacement with Patrick Troughton. Patrick Troughton was only the second best Doctor after William Hartnell, and who, even then, entered the serial as a clown. After William Hartnell “Doctor Who” was in decline. Clown after clown followed him! “Doctor Who” was sabotaged by the BBC!
Furthermore, I could not have seen the first weekly serialised stories of “Doctor Who” in Australia as they were censored by the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) because they were deemed only to be fit for adult viewing. I discovered this fact on Wikipedia.
So I could not possibly have seen the first “Doctor Who” stories, which I remember as essential and integral to my childhood development and growing up, these being the most important introductory stories of my favourite program on television. I could not possibly have seen them, at least in this universe!
So I could not possibly have seen the first “Doctor Who” stories, which I remember as essential and integral to my childhood development and growing up, these being the most important introductory stories of my favourite program on television. I could not possibly have seen them, at least in this universe!
“The Time Slot!”
“Doctor Who” aired in the U.K. on Saturday afternoons after 5.00pm.
One weekend afternoon in the U.K. I was filmed, in colour, “turning beetroot red” as my mother taunted me then and thereafter, at my Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron’s home in Oxfordshire. We lived at 19 Thames Crescent, Corringham, Essex. Before leaving England my father purchased a movie camera and we would visit relatives and friends on weekends when my father was not working and they were not at work. And he would film home movies as a way of remembering our relatives and friends for after we had migrated on a ship to Australia.
I had this extraordinarily memorable “tantrum” (as it was always referred to) on an afternoon while we were visiting my Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron and their four children, my cousins, over my not being able to watch my favourite television program, having to miss seeing an episode, even though I was willing to watch an indistinct and virtually totally snowy screen with just the volume turned on, as there was a poor reception. I was pleading for this favour, and I was completely willing to just let my imagination create the moving black and white pictures on the screen.
This program I begged my parents and aunt and uncle to watch was none other than “Doctor Who”!!!
The film of my incredible “tantrum” should still be in existence. It might still be with my sister or Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron in Australia.
This evidence proves the existence of parallel universes, the Mandela effect, and that we are NOT living in a computer simulation.
One weekend afternoon in the U.K. I was filmed, in colour, “turning beetroot red” as my mother taunted me then and thereafter, at my Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron’s home in Oxfordshire. We lived at 19 Thames Crescent, Corringham, Essex. Before leaving England my father purchased a movie camera and we would visit relatives and friends on weekends when my father was not working and they were not at work. And he would film home movies as a way of remembering our relatives and friends for after we had migrated on a ship to Australia.
I had this extraordinarily memorable “tantrum” (as it was always referred to) on an afternoon while we were visiting my Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron and their four children, my cousins, over my not being able to watch my favourite television program, having to miss seeing an episode, even though I was willing to watch an indistinct and virtually totally snowy screen with just the volume turned on, as there was a poor reception. I was pleading for this favour, and I was completely willing to just let my imagination create the moving black and white pictures on the screen.
This program I begged my parents and aunt and uncle to watch was none other than “Doctor Who”!!!
The film of my incredible “tantrum” should still be in existence. It might still be with my sister or Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron in Australia.
This evidence proves the existence of parallel universes, the Mandela effect, and that we are NOT living in a computer simulation.
UPDATE: 11th November 2024
(Remembrance Day)
“Why I believe I am NOT living in a parallel universe.”
I had a brainstorm early this morning, and I figured out an alternative explanation for this very peculiar and strange phenomenon.
I have attached links to the e-mail in which I have exposed this complex “theory”, which is addressed to my friend and confidante, Tonie Di Paolo, with c.c.’s to my Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron (Jane) and my sister, Denise Brooks and her husband, Leon Brooks.
The most recent message on this e-mail thread contains my new theory behind this phenomenon. In a nutshell, I now believe it to be based upon widespread, fabricated, made up lies, not a “parallel universe”, as I had been, I believe, wrongly speculating, must have been the case, prior to this morning’s brainstorm realisation of the phenomenon’s real causes.
LINK HERE:!ArMY659rok0Lga4fnwPkCi1fu9xeVg
I have attached links to the e-mail in which I have exposed this complex “theory”, which is addressed to my friend and confidante, Tonie Di Paolo, with c.c.’s to my Auntie Hazel and Uncle Ron (Jane) and my sister, Denise Brooks and her husband, Leon Brooks.
The most recent message on this e-mail thread contains my new theory behind this phenomenon. In a nutshell, I now believe it to be based upon widespread, fabricated, made up lies, not a “parallel universe”, as I had been, I believe, wrongly speculating, must have been the case, prior to this morning’s brainstorm realisation of the phenomenon’s real causes.
LINK HERE:!ArMY659rok0Lga4fnwPkCi1fu9xeVg